Building a Rust App with Axum Session

Posted December 19, 2023 by Team Loco

To build a Rust app with Axum session, the first step is to choose your server. In this case, we'll use loco :)

Start by creating a new project and selecting the SaaS app template:

$ cargo install loco-cli
$ loco new
 ❯ App name? · myapp
? ❯ What would you like to build?
  lightweight-service (minimal, only controllers and views)
  Rest API (with DB and user auth)
 SaaS app (with DB and user auth)

Creating Session Memory Store Only

First, add the Axum session crate to Cargo.toml:

axum_session = {version = "0.10.1", default-features = false}

Then, add an Axum session layer to your router. Open and add the following hook:

pub struct App;
impl Hooks for App {
    fn app_name() -> &'static str {

    // Other hooks...
    async fn after_routes(router: AxumRouter, _ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<AxumRouter> {
        let session_config =

        let session_store =
            axum_session::SessionStore::<axum_session::SessionNullPool>::new(None, session_config)

        let router = router.layer(axum_session::SessionLayer::new(session_store));
    // Other hooks...

Now, you can create your controller that uses Axum session. Use the cargo loco generate controller command:

 cargo loco generate controller mysession
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.36s
     Running `target/debug/axum-session-cli generate controller mysession`
added: "src/controllers/"
injected: "src/controllers/"
injected: "src/"
added: "tests/requests/"
injected: "tests/requests/"

Open the src/controllers/ file created by the controller generator and replace its content with the following code:

use axum_session::{Session, SessionNullPool};
use loco_rs::prelude::*;

pub async fn get_session(session: Session<SessionNullPool>) -> Result<()> {
    println!("{:#?}", session);

pub fn routes() -> Routes {
    Routes::new().prefix("mysession").add("/", get(get_session))

Now, you can call the endpoint to see the session.

Creating Session With DB Encryption

To add session DB encryption, include the Axum session crate and PostgreSQL with SQLx in Cargo.toml:

axum_session = {version = "0.10.1"}
sqlx = { version = "0.7.2", features = [
] }

Create a file with the following content: The connect_to_database getting an Database configuration and returns a PgPool instance that axum session expected.

use sqlx::postgres::PgPool;
use loco_rs::{

async fn connect_to_database(config: &Database) -> Result<PgPool> {
        .map_err(|e| Error::Any(e.into()))

Add the Axum session layer to your router in

use session; // This is the file
pub struct App;
impl Hooks for App {
    fn app_name() -> &'static str {

    // Other hooks...
    async fn after_routes(router: AxumRouter, ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<AxumRouter> {
        let conn = session.connect_to_database(&ctx.config.database).await?;
        let session_config = axum_session::SessionConfig::default()

        let session_store = axum_session::SessionStore::<axum_session::SessionPgPool>::new(

        let router = router.layer(axum_session::SessionLayer::new(session_store));
    // Other hooks...

Create the controller as before using cargo loco generate controller

 cargo loco generate controller mysession
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.36s
     Running `target/debug/axum-session-cli generate controller mysession`
added: "src/controllers/"
injected: "src/controllers/"
injected: "src/"
added: "tests/requests/"
injected: "tests/requests/"

and replace the content of src/controllers/ with the provided code.

use axum_session::{Session, SessionPgPool};
use loco_rs::prelude::*;

pub async fn get_session(session: Session<SessionPgPool>) -> Result<()> {
    println!("{:#?}", session);

pub fn routes() -> Routes {
    Routes::new().prefix("mysession").add("/", get(get_session))

Now, calling the endpoint will display the session.