
Error levels and options

As a reminder, error levels and their logging can be controlled in your development.yaml:


# Application logging configuration
  # Enable or disable logging.
  enable: true
  # Enable pretty backtrace (sets RUST_BACKTRACE=1)
  pretty_backtrace: true
  # Log level, options: trace, debug, info, warn or error.
  level: debug
  # Define the logging format. options: compact, pretty or json
  format: compact
  # By default the logger has filtering only logs that came from your code or logs that came from `loco` framework. to see all third party libraries
  # Uncomment the line below to override to see all third party libraries you can enable this config and override the logger filters.
  # override_filter: trace

The most important knobs here are:

  • level - your standard logging levels. Typically debug or trace in development. In production choose what you are used to.
  • pretty_backtrace - provides clear, concise path to the line of code causing the error. use true in development and turn off in production. In cases where you are debugging things in production and need some extra hand, you can turn it on and then off when you're done.

Controller logging

In server.middlewares you will find:

    # ...
    # Generating a unique request ID and enhancing logging with additional information such as the start and completion of request processing, latency, status code, and other request details.
      # Enable/Disable the middleware.
      enable: true

You should enable it to get detailed request errors and a useful request-id that can help collate multiple request-scoped errors.


You have the option of logging live SQL queries, in your database section:

  # When enabled, the sql query will be logged.
  enable_logging: false

Operating around errors

You'll be mostly looking at your terminal for errors while developing your app, it can look something like this:

2024-02-xxx DEBUG http-request: tower_http::trace::on_request: started processing request http.method=GET http.uri=/notes http.version=HTTP/1.1 http.user_agent=curl/8.1.2 environment=development request_id=8622e624-9bda-49ce-9730-876f2a8a9a46
2024-02-xxx11T12:19:25.295954Z ERROR http-request: loco_rs::controller: controller_error error.msg=invalid type: string "foo", expected a sequence error.details=JSON(Error("invalid type: string \"foo\", expected a sequence", line: 0, column: 0)) error.chain="" http.method=GET http.uri=/notes http.version=HTTP/1.1 http.user_agent=curl/8.1.2 environment=development request_id=8622e624-9bda-49ce-9730-876f2a8a9a46

Usually you can expect the following from errors:

  • error.msg a to_string() version of an error, for operators.
  • error.detail a debug representation of an error, for developers.
  • An error type e.g. controller_error as the primary message tailored for searching, rather than a verbal error message.
  • Errors are logged as tracing events and spans, so that you can build any infrastructure you want to provide custom tracing subscribers. Check out the prometheus example in loco-extras.


  • An error chain was experimented with, but provides little value in practice.
  • Errors that an end user sees are a completely different thing. We strive to provide minimal internal details about an error for an end user when we know a user can't do anything about an error (e.g. "database offline error"), mostly it will be a generic "Inernal Server Error" on purpose -- for security reasons.

Producing errors

When you build controllers, you write your handlers to return Result<impl IntoResponse>. The Result here is a Loco Result, which means it also associates a Loco Error type.

If you reach out for the Loco Error type you can use any of the following as a response:

Err(Error::string("some custom message"));
Err(Error::msg(other_error)); // turns other_error to its string representation
Err(Error::Unauthorized("some message"))

// or through controller helpers:
unauthorized("some message") // create a full response object, calling Err on a created error


Initializers are a way to encapsulate a piece of infrastructure "wiring" that you need to do in your app. You put initializers in src/initializers/.

Writing initializers

Currently, an initializer is anything that implements the Initializer trait:

pub trait Initializer: Sync + Send {
    /// The initializer name or identifier
    fn name(&self) -> String;

    /// Occurs after the app's `before_run`.
    /// Use this to for one-time initializations, load caches, perform web
    /// hooks, etc.
    async fn before_run(&self, _app_context: &AppContext) -> Result<()> {

    /// Occurs after the app's `after_routes`.
    /// Use this to compose additional functionality and wire it into an Axum
    /// Router
    async fn after_routes(&self, router: AxumRouter, _ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<AxumRouter> {

Example: Integrating Axum Session

You might want to add sessions to your app using axum-session. Also, you might want to share that piece of functionality between your own projects, or grab that piece of code from someone else.

You can achieve this reuse easily, if you code the integration as an initializer:

// place this in `src/initializers/`
impl Initializer for AxumSessionInitializer {
    fn name(&self) -> String {

    async fn after_routes(&self, router: AxumRouter, _ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<AxumRouter> {
        let session_config =
        let session_store =
            axum_session::SessionStore::<axum_session::SessionNullPool>::new(None, session_config)
        let router = router.layer(axum_session::SessionLayer::new(session_store));

And now your app structure looks like this:

 initializers/       <--- a new folder            <--- a new module   <--- your new initializer
    :   <--- register initializers here

Using initializers

After you've implemented your own initializer, you should implement the initializers(..) hook in your src/ and provide a Vec of your initializers:

    async fn initializers(ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<Vec<Box<dyn Initializer>>> {
        let mut initializers: Vec<Box<dyn Initializer>> = vec![

        if ctx.environment != Environment::Test {


Loco will now run your initializer stack in the correct places during the app boot process.

What other things you can do?

Right now initializers contain two integration points:

  • before_run - happens before running the app -- this is a pure "initialization" type of a hook. You can send web hooks, metric points, do cleanups, pre-flight checks, etc.
  • after_routes - happens after routes have been added. You have access to the Axum router and its powerful layering integration points, this is where you will spend most of your time.

Compared to Rails initializers

Rails initializers, are regular scripts that run once -- for initialization and have access to everything. They get their power from being able to access a "live" Rails app, modify it as a global instance.

In Loco, accessing a global instance and mutating it is not possible in Rust (for a good reason!), and so we offer two integration points which are explicit and safe:

  1. Pure initialization (without any influence on a configured app)
  2. Integration with a running app (via Axum router)

Rails initializers need ordering and modification. Meaning, a user should be certain that they run in a specific order (or re-order them), and a user is able to remove initializers that other people set before them.

In Loco, we circumvent this complexity by making the user provide a full vec of initializers. Vecs are ordered, and there are no implicit initializers.

The global logger initializer

Some developers would like to customize their logging stack. In Loco this involves setting up tracing and tracing subscribers.

Because at the moment tracing does not allow for re-initialization, or modification of an in-flight tracing stack, you only get one chance to initialize and registr a global tracing stack.

This is why we added a new App level hook, called init_logger, which you can use to provide your own logging stack initialization.

// in src/
impl Hooks for App {
    // return `Ok(true)` if you took over initializing logger
    // otherwise, return `Ok(false)` to use the Loco logging stack.
    fn init_logger(_config: &config::Config, _env: &Environment) -> Result<bool> {

After you've set up your own logger, return Ok(true) to signal that you took over initialization.


Loco is a framework that is built on top of axum and tower. They provide a way to add layers and services as middleware to your routes and handlers.

Middleware is a way to add pre- and post-processing to your requests. This can be used for logging, authentication, rate limiting, route specific processing, and more.

Source Code

Loco's implementation of route middleware / layer is similar to axum's Router::layer. You can find the source code for middleware in the src/controllers/routes directory. This layer function will attach the middleware layer to each handler of the route.

// src/controller/
use axum::{extract::Request, response::IntoResponse, routing::Route};
use tower::{Layer, Service};

impl Routes {
    pub fn layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Self
            L: Layer<Route> + Clone + Send + 'static,
            L::Service: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
            <L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
            <L::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<Infallible> + 'static,
            <L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static,
        Self {
            prefix: self.prefix,
            handlers: self
                .map(|handler| Handler {
                    uri: handler.uri.clone(),
                    actions: handler.actions.clone(),
                    method: handler.method.clone().layer(layer.clone()),

Basic Middleware

In this example, we will create a basic middleware that will log the request method and path.

// src/controllers/middleware/
use std::{
    task::{Context, Poll},

use axum::{
    extract::{FromRequestParts, Request},
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use loco_rs::prelude::{auth::JWTWithUser, *};
use tower::{Layer, Service};

use crate::models::{users};

pub struct LogLayer;

impl LogLayer {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {}

impl<S> Layer<S> for LogLayer {
    type Service = LogService<S>;

    fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {
        Self::Service {

pub struct LogService<S> {
    // S is the inner service, in the case, it is the `/auth/register` handler
    inner: S,

/// Implement the Service trait for LogService
/// # Generics
/// * `S` - The inner service, in this case is the `/auth/register` handler
/// * `B` - The body type
impl<S, B> Service<Request<B>> for LogService<S>
        S: Service<Request<B>, Response=Response<Body>, Error=Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static, /* Inner Service must return Response<Body> and never error, which is typical for handlers */
        S::Future: Send + 'static,
        B: Send + 'static,
    // Response type is the same as the inner service / handler
    type Response = S::Response;
    // Error type is the same as the inner service / handler
    type Error = S::Error;
    // Future type is the same as the inner service / handler
    type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;

    // poll_ready is used to check if the service is ready to process a request
    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
        // Our middleware doesn't care about backpressure, so it's ready as long
        // as the inner service is ready.

    fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
        let clone = self.inner.clone();
        // take the service that was ready
        let mut inner = std::mem::replace(&mut self.inner, clone);
        Box::pin(async move {
            let (mut parts, body) = req.into_parts();
            tracing::info!("Request: {:?} {:?}", parts.method, parts.uri.path());
            let req = Request::from_parts(parts, body);

At the first glance, this middleware is a bit overwhelming. Let's break it down.

The LogLayer is a tower::Layer that wraps around the inner service.

The LogService is a tower::Service that implements the Service trait for the request.

Generics Explanation


In the Layer trait, S represents the inner service, which in this case is the /auth/register handler. The layer function takes this inner service and returns a new service that wraps around it.


S is the inner service, in this case, it is the /auth/register handler. If we have a look about the get, post, put, delete functions which we use for handlers, they all return a MethodRoute<S, Infallible>(Which is a service).

Therefore, S: Service<Request<B>, Response = Response<Body>, Error = Infallible> means it takes in a Request<B>( Request with a body) and returns a Response<Body>. The Error is Infallible which means the handler never errors.

S::Future: Send + 'static means the future of the inner service must implement Send trait and 'static.

type Response = S::Response means the response type of the middleware is the same as the inner service.

type Error = S::Error means the error type of the middleware is the same as the inner service.

type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> means the future type of the middleware is the same as the inner service.

B: Send + 'static means the request body type must implement the Send trait and 'static.

Function Explanation


The LogLayer::new function is used to create a new instance of the LogLayer.


The LogService::poll_ready function is used to check if the service is ready to process a request. It can be used for backpressure, for more information see the tower::Service documentation and Tokio tutorial.

The LogService::call function is used to process the request. In this case, we are logging the request method and path. Then we are calling the inner service with the request.

Importance of poll_ready:

In the Tower framework, before a service can be used to handle a request, it must be checked for readiness using the poll_ready method. This method returns Poll::Ready(Ok(())) when the service is ready to process a request. If a service is not ready, it may return Poll::Pending, indicating that the caller should wait before sending a request. This mechanism ensures that the service has the necessary resources or state to process the request efficiently and correctly.

Cloning and Readiness

When cloning a service, particularly to move it into a boxed future or similar context, it's crucial to understand that the clone does not inherit the readiness state of the original service. Each clone of a service maintains its own state. This means that even if the original service was ready (Poll::Ready(Ok(()))), the cloned service might not be in the same state immediately after cloning. This can lead to issues where a cloned service is used before it is ready, potentially causing panics or other failures.

Correct approach to cloning services using std::mem::replace To handle cloning correctly, it's recommended to use std::mem::replace to swap the ready service with its clone in a controlled manner. This approach ensures that the service being used to handle the request is the one that has been verified as ready. Here’s how it works:

  • Clone the service: First, create a clone of the service. This clone will eventually replace the original service in the service handler.
  • Replace the original with the clone: Use std::mem::replace to swap the original service with the clone. This operation ensures that the service handler continues to hold a service instance.
  • Use the original service to handle the request: Since the original service was already checked for readiness (via poll_ready), it's safe to use it to handle the incoming request. The clone, now in the handler, will be the one checked for readiness next time.

This method ensures that each service instance used to handle requests is always the one that has been explicitly checked for readiness, thus maintaining the integrity and reliability of the service handling process.

Here is a simplified example to illustrate this pattern:

// Wrong
fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
    let mut inner = self.inner.clone();
    Box::pin(async move {
        /* ... */

// Correct
fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
    let clone = self.inner.clone();
    // take the service that was ready
    let mut inner = std::mem::replace(&mut self.inner, clone);
    Box::pin(async move {
        /* ... */

In this example, inner is the service that was ready, and after handling the request, self.inner now holds the clone, which will be checked for readiness in the next cycle. This careful management of service readiness and cloning is essential for maintaining robust and error-free service operations in asynchronous Rust applications using Tower.

Tower Service Cloning Documentation

Adding Middleware to Handler

Add the middleware to the auth::register handler.

// src/controllers/
pub fn routes() -> Routes {
        .add("/register", post(register).layer(middlewares::log::LogLayer::new()))

Now when you make a request to the auth::register handler, you will see the request method and path logged.

2024-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXXXXZ  INFO http-request: xx::controllers::middleware::log Request: POST "/auth/register" http.method=POST http.uri=/auth/register http.version=HTTP/1.1  environment=development request_id=xxxxx

Adding Middleware to Route

Add the middleware to the auth route.

// src/
pub struct App;

impl Hooks for App {
    fn routes(_ctx: &AppContext) -> AppRoutes {

Now when you make a request to any handler in the auth route, you will see the request method and path logged.

2024-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXXXXZ  INFO http-request: xx::controllers::middleware::log Request: POST "/auth/register" http.method=POST http.uri=/auth/register http.version=HTTP/1.1  environment=development request_id=xxxxx

Advanced Middleware (With AppContext)

There will be times when you need to access the AppContext in your middleware. For example, you might want to access the database connection to perform some authorization checks. To do this, you can add the AppContext to the Layer and Service.

Here we will create a middleware that checks the JWT token and gets the user from the database then prints the user's name

// src/controllers/middleware/
use std::{
    task::{Context, Poll},

use axum::{
    extract::{FromRequestParts, Request},
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use loco_rs::prelude::{auth::JWTWithUser, *};
use tower::{Layer, Service};

use crate::models::{users};

pub struct LogLayer {
    state: AppContext,

impl LogLayer {
    pub fn new(state: AppContext) -> Self {
        Self { state }

impl<S> Layer<S> for LogLayer {
    type Service = LogService<S>;

    fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {
        Self::Service {
            state: self.state.clone(),

pub struct LogService<S> {
    inner: S,
    state: AppContext,

impl<S, B> Service<Request<B>> for LogService<S>
        S: Service<Request<B>, Response=Response<Body>, Error=Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static, /* Inner Service must return Response<Body> and never error */
        S::Future: Send + 'static,
        B: Send + 'static,
    // Response type is the same as the inner service / handler
    type Response = S::Response;
    // Error type is the same as the inner service / handler
    type Error = S::Error;
    // Future type is the same as the inner service / handler
    type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;
    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
        let state = self.state.clone();
        let clone = self.inner.clone();
        // take the service that was ready
        let mut inner = std::mem::replace(&mut self.inner, clone);
        Box::pin(async move {
            // Example of extracting JWT token from the request
            let (mut parts, body) = req.into_parts();
            let auth = JWTWithUser::<users::Model>::from_request_parts(&mut parts, &state).await;

            match auth {
                Ok(auth) => {
                    // Example of getting user from the database
                    let user = users::Model::find_by_email(&state.db, &;
                    tracing::info!("User: {}",;
                    let req = Request::from_parts(parts, body);
                Err(_) => {
                    // Handle error, e.g., return an unauthorized response

In this example, we have added the AppContext to the LogLayer and LogService. We are using the AppContext to get the database connection and the JWT token for pre-processing.

Adding Middleware to Route (advanced)

Add the middleware to the notes route.

// src/
pub struct App;

impl Hooks for App {
    fn routes(ctx: &AppContext) -> AppRoutes {

Now when you make a request to any handler in the notes route, you will see the user's name logged.

2024-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXXXXZ  INFO http-request: xx::controllers::middleware::log User: John Doe  environment=development request_id=xxxxx

Adding Middleware to Handler (advanced)

In order to add the middleware to the handler, you need to add the AppContext to the routes function in src/

// src/
pub struct App;

impl Hooks for App {
    fn routes(ctx: &AppContext) -> AppRoutes {

Then add the middleware to the notes::create handler.

// src/controllers/
pub fn routes(ctx: &AppContext) -> Routes {
        .add("/create", post(create).layer(middlewares::log::LogLayer::new(ctx)))

Now when you make a request to the notes::create handler, you will see the user's name logged.

2024-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXXXXZ  INFO http-request: xx::controllers::middleware::log User: John Doe  environment=development request_id=xxxxx