
What to do when a new Loco version is out?

  • Create a clean branch in your code repo.
  • Update the Loco version in your main Cargo.toml
  • Consult with the CHANGELOG to find breaking changes and refactorings you should do (if any).
  • Run cargo loco doctor inside your project to verify that your app and environment is compatible with the new version

As always, if anything turns wrong, open an issue and ask for help.

Major Loco dependencies

Loco is built on top of great libraries. It's wise to be mindful of their versions in new releases of Loco, and their individual changelogs.

These are the major ones:

Upgrade from 0.13.x to 0.14.x

Upgrading from Axum 0.7 to 0.8

PR: #1130 The upgrade to Axum 0.8 introduces a breaking change. For more details, refer to the announcement.

Steps to Upgrade

  • In your Cargo.toml, update the Axum version from 0.7.5 to 0.8.1.
  • Replace use axum::async_trait; with use async_trait::async_trait;. For more information, see here.
  • The URL parameter syntax has changed. Refer to this section for the updated syntax. The new path parameter format is: The path parameter syntax has changed from /:single and /*many to /{single} and /{*many}.

Extending the boot Function Hook

PR: #1143

The boot hook function now accepts an additional Config parameter. The function signature has changed from:


async fn boot(mode: StartMode, environment: &Environment) -> Result<BootResult> {
     create_app::<Self, Migrator>(mode, environment).await


async fn boot(mode: StartMode, environment: &Environment, config: Config) -> Result<BootResult> {
     create_app::<Self, Migrator>(mode, environment, config).await

Make sure to import the Config type as needed.

Upgrade validator crate

PR: #993

Update the validator crate version in your Cargo.toml:


validator = { version = "0.18" }


validator = { version = "0.19" }

Extend truncate and seed hooks

PR: #1158

The truncate and seed functions now receive AppContext instead of DatabaseConnection as their argument.


async fn truncate(db: &DatabaseConnection) -> Result<()> {}
async fn seed(db: &DatabaseConnection, base: &Path) -> Result<()> {}


async fn truncate(ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<()> {}
async fn seed(_ctx: &AppContext, base: &Path) -> Result<()> {}

Impact on Testing:

Testing code involving the seed function must also be updated accordingly.


async fn load_page() {
    request::<App, _, _>(|request, ctx| async move {


async fn load_page() {
    request::<App, _, _>(|request, ctx| async move {