
Models in loco mean entity classes that allow for easy database querying and writes, but also migrations and seeding.

Sqlite vs Postgres

You might have selected sqlite which is the default when you created your new app. Loco allows you to seamlessly move between sqlite and postgres.

It is typical that you could use sqlite for development, and postgres for production. Some people prefer postgres all the way for both development and production because they use pg specific features. Some people use sqlite for production too, these days. Either way -- all valid choices.

To configure postgres instead of sqlite, go into your config/development.yaml (or production.yaml) and set this, assuming your app is named myapp:

  uri: "{{ get_env(name="DATABASE_URL", default="postgres://loco:loco@localhost:5432/myapp_development") }"
Your local postgres database should be with loco:loco and a db named myapp_development. For test and production, your DB should be named myapp_test and myapp_production respectively.

For your convenience, here is a docker command to start up a Postgresql database server:

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=loco \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=myapp_development \

Finally you can also use the doctor command to validate your connection:

$ cargo loco doctor
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.32s
    Running `target/debug/myapp-cli doctor`
 SeaORM CLI is installed
 DB connection: success
 Redis connection: success

Fat models, slim controllers

loco models are designed after active record. This means they're a central point in your universe, and every logic or operation your app has should be there.

It means that User::create creates a user but also will buy a product.

If you agree with that direction you'll get these for free:

  • Time-effective testing, because testing your model tests most if not all of your logic and moving parts.
  • Ability to run complete app workflows from tasks, or from workers and other places.
  • Effectively compose features and use cases by combining models, and nothing else.
  • Essentially, models become your app and controllers are just one way to expose your app to the world.

We use SeaORM as the main ORM behind our ActiveRecord abstraction.

  • Why not Diesel? - although Diesel has better performance, its macros, and general approach felt incompatible with what we were trying to do
  • Why not sqlx - SeaORM uses sqlx under the hood, so the plumbing is there for you to use sqlx raw if you wish.

Example model

The life of a loco model starts with a migration, then an entity Rust code is generated for you automatically from the database structure:

    _entities/   <--- autogenerated code   <--- the bare entity and helper traits  <--- your custom activerecord code

Using the users activerecord would be just as you use it under SeaORM see examples here

Adding functionality to the users activerecord is by extension:

impl super::_entities::users::ActiveModel {
    /// .
    /// # Errors
    /// .
    pub fn foobar(&self) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
        // implement and get back a `user.foobar()`

Crafting models

The model generator

To add a new model the model generator creates a migration, runs it, and then triggers an entities sync from your database schema which will hydrate and create your model entities.

$ cargo loco generate model posts title:string! content:text user:references

When a model is added via migration, the following default fields are provided:

  • created_at (ts!): This is a timestamp indicating when your model was created.
  • updated_at (ts!): This is a timestamp indicating when your model was updated.

These fields are ignored if you provide them in your migration command.

For schema data types, you can use the following mapping to understand the schema:

("uuid", "uuid_uniq"),
("uuid_col", "uuid_null"),
("uuid_col!", "uuid"),
("string", "string_null"),
("string!", "string"),
("string^", "string_uniq"),
("text", "text_null"),
("text!", "text"),
("tiny_integer", "tiny_integer_null"),
("tiny_integer!", "tiny_integer"),
("tiny_integer^", "tiny_integer_uniq"),
("small_integer", "small_integer_null"),
("small_integer!", "small_integer"),
("small_integer^", "small_integer_uniq"),
("int", "integer_null"),
("int!", "integer"),
("int^", "integer_uniq"),
("big_int", "big_integer_null"),
("big_int!", "big_integer"),
("big_int^", "big_integer_uniq"),
("float", "float_null"),
("float!", "float"),
("double", "double_null"),
("double!", "double"),
("decimal", "decimal_null"),
("decimal!", "decimal"),
("decimal_len", "decimal_len_null"),
("decimal_len!", "decimal_len"),
("bool", "boolean_null"),
("bool!", "boolean"),
("tstz", "timestamp_with_time_zone_null"),
("tstz!", "timestamp_with_time_zone"),
("date", "date_null"),
("date!", "date"),
("ts", "timestamp_null"),
("ts!", "timestamp"),
("json", "json_null"),
("json!", "json"),
("jsonb", "json_binary_null"),
("jsonb!", "json_binary"),

Using user:references uses the special references type, which will create a relationship between a post and a user, adding a user_id reference field to the posts table.

Using approved_by:references:users uses the special references:<table> type, which will create a relationship between a post and a user, adding a approved_by reference field to the posts table.

You can generate an empty model:

$ cargo loco generate model posts

Or a data model, without any references:

$ cargo loco generate model posts title:string! content:text


Other than using the model generator, you drive your schema by creating migrations.

$ cargo loco generate migration <name of migration> [name:type, name:type ...]

This creates a migration in the root of your project in migration/.

You can apply it:

$ cargo loco db migrate

And generate back entities (Rust code) from it:

$ cargo loco db entities

Loco is a migration-first framework, similar to Rails. Which means that when you want to add models, data fields, or model oriented changes - you start with a migration that describes it, and then you apply the migration to get back generated entities in model/_entities.

This enforces everything-as-code, reproducibility and atomicity, where no knowledge of the schema goes missing.

Naming the migration is important, the type of migration that is being generated is inferred from the migration name.

Create a new table

  • Name template: Create___
  • Example: CreatePosts
$ cargo loco g migration CreatePosts title:string content:string

Add columns

  • Name template: Add___To___
  • Example: AddNameAndAgeToUsers (the string NameAndAge does not matter, you specify columns individually, however Users does matter because this will be the name of the table)
$ cargo loco g migration AddNameAndAgeToUsers name:string age:int

Remove columns

  • Name template: Remove___From___
  • Example: RemoveNameAndAgeFromUsers (same note exists as in add columns)
$ cargo logo g migration RemoveNameAndAgeFromUsers name:string age:int

Add references

  • Name template: Add___RefTo___
  • Example: AddUserRefToPosts (User does not matter, as you specify one or many references individually, Posts does matter as it will be the table name in the migration)
$ cargo loco g migration AddUserRefToPosts user:references

Create a join table

  • Name template: CreateJoinTable___And___ (supported between 2 tables)
  • Example: CreateJoinTableUsersAndGroups
$ cargo loco g migration CreateJoinTableUsersAndGroups count:int

You can also add some state columns regarding the relationship (such as count here).

Create an empty migration

Use any descriptive name for a migration that does not fall into one of the above patterns to create an empty migration.

$ cargo loco g migration FixUsersTable

Down Migrations

If you realize that you made a mistake, you can always undo the migration. This will undo the changes made by the migration (assuming that you added the appropriate code for down in the migration).

cargo loco db down

The down command on its own will rollback only the last migration. If you want to rollback multiple migrations, you can specify the number of migrations to rollback.

cargo loco db down 2

Verbs, singular and plural

  • references: use singular for the table name, and a :references type. user:references (references Users), vote:references (references Votes). :references:<table> is also available departing_train:references:trains (references Trains).
  • column names: anything you like. Prefer snake_case.
  • table names: plural, snake case. users, draft_posts.
  • migration names: anything that can be a file name, prefer snake case. create_table_users, add_vote_id_to_movies.
  • model names: generated automatically for you. Usually the generated name is pascal case, plural. Users, UsersVotes.

Here are some examples showcasing the naming conventions:

$ cargo loco generate model movies long_title:string added_by:references:users director:references
  • model name in plural: movies
  • refecence director is in singular: director:references
  • reference added_by is in singular, the referenced model is a model and is plural: added_by:references:users
  • column name in snake case: long_title:string

Authoring migrations

To use the migrations DSL, make sure you have the following loco_rs::schema::* import and SeaORM prelude.

use loco_rs::schema::*;
use sea_orm_migration::prelude::*;

Then, create a struct:

pub struct Migration;

And then implement your migration (see below).

Create a table

Create a table, provide two arrays: (1) columns (2) references.

Leave references empty to not create any reference fields.

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
    async fn up(&self, m: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
                ("title", ColType::StringNull),
                ("content", ColType::StringNull),

    async fn down(&self, m: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
        drop_table(m, "posts").await

Create a join table

Provide the references to the second array argument. Use an empty string "" to indicate you want us to generate a reference column name for you (e.g. a user reference will imply connecting the users table through a user_id column in group_users).

Provide a non-empty string to indicate a specific name for the reference column name.

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
    async fn up(&self, m: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
        create_join_table(m, "group_users", &[], &[("user", ""), ("group", "")]).await

    async fn down(&self, m: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
        drop_table(m, "group_users").await

Add a column

Add a single column. You can use as many such statements as you like in a single migration (to add multiple columns).

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
    async fn up(&self, m: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
        add_column(m, "users", "amount", ColType::DecimalLenNull(24,8)).await?;

    async fn down(&self, m: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
        remove_column(m, "users", "amount").await?;

Authoring advanced migrations

Using the manager directly lets you access more advanced operations while authoring your migrations.

Add a column


Drop a column


Add index

You can copy some of this code for adding an index


Create a data fix

Creating a data fix in a migration is easy - just use SQL statements as you like:

  async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {

    let db = manager.get_connection();
    // issue SQL queries with `db`


Having said that, it's up to you to code your data fixes in:

  • task - where you can use high level models
  • migration - where you can both change structure and fix data stemming from it with raw SQL
  • or an ad-hoc playground - where you can use high level models or experiment with things


We use the validator library under the hood. First, build your validator with the constraints you need, and then implement Validatable for your ActiveModel.

#[derive(Debug, Validate, Deserialize)]
pub struct Validator {
    #[validate(length(min = 2, message = "Name must be at least 2 characters long."))]
    pub name: String,
    #[validate(custom(function = "validation::is_valid_email"))]
    pub email: String,

impl Validatable for super::_entities::users::ActiveModel {
    fn validator(&self) -> Box<dyn Validate> {
        Box::new(Validator {

Note that Validatable is how you instruct Loco which Validator to provide and how to build it from a model.

Now you can use user.validate() seamlessly in your code, when it is Ok the model is valid, otherwise you'll find validation errors in Err(...) available for inspection.


One to many

Here is how to associate a Company with an existing User model.

$ cargo loco generate model company name:string user:references

This will create a migration with a user_id field in Company which will reference a User.

Many to many

Here is how to create a typical "votes" table, which links a User and a Movie with a many-to-many link table. Note that it uses the special --link flag in the model generator.

Let's create a new Movie entity:

$ cargo loco generate model movies title:string

And now the link table between User (which we already have) and Movie (which we just generated) to record votes:

$ cargo loco generate model --link users_votes user:references movie:references vote:int
Writing src/models/_entities/
Writing src/models/_entities/
Writing src/models/_entities/
Writing src/models/_entities/
... Done.

This will create a many-to-many link table named UsersVotes with a composite primary key containing both user_id and movie_id. Because it has precisely 2 IDs, SeaORM will identify it as a many-to-many link table, and generate entities with the appropriate via() relationship:

// User, newly generated entity with a `via` relation at _entities/

// ..
impl Related<super::movies::Entity> for Entity {
    fn to() -> RelationDef {
    fn via() -> Option<RelationDef> {

Using via() will cause find_related to walk through the link table without you needing to know the details of the link table.


Model configuration that's available to you is exciting because it controls all aspects of development, testing, and production, with a ton of goodies, coming from production experience.

  # Database connection URI
  # When enabled, the sql query will be logged.
  enable_logging: false
  # Set the timeout duration when acquiring a connection.
  connect_timeout: 500
  # Set the idle duration before closing a connection.
  idle_timeout: 500
  # Minimum number of connections for a pool.
  min_connections: 1
  # Maximum number of connections for a pool.
  max_connections: 1
  # Run migration up when application loaded
  auto_migrate: true
  # Truncate database when application loaded. This is a dangerous operation, make sure that you using this flag only on dev environments or test mode
  dangerously_truncate: false
  # Recreating schema when application loaded.  This is a dangerous operation, make sure that you using this flag only on dev environments or test mode
  dangerously_recreate: false

By combining these flags, you can create different experiences to help you be more productive.

You can truncate before an app starts -- which is useful for running tests, or you can recreate the entire DB when the app starts -- which is useful for integration tests or setting up a new environment. In production, you want these turned off (hence the "dangerously" part).


Loco has a built-in 'seeds' feature that makes the process quick and easy. This is especially useful when reloading the database frequently in development and test environments. It's easy to get started with this feature

Loco comes equipped with a convenient seeds feature, streamlining the process for quick and easy database reloading. This functionality proves especially invaluable during frequent resets in development and test environments. Let's explore how to get started with this feature:

Creating a new seed

1. Creating a new seed file

Navigate to src/fixtures and create a new seed file. For instance:


In this yaml file, enlist a set of database records for insertion. Each record should encompass the mandatory database fields, based on your database constraints. Optional values are at your discretion. Suppose you have a database DDL like this:

CREATE TABLE public.users (
	id serial4 NOT NULL,
	email varchar NOT NULL,
	"password" varchar NOT NULL,
	reset_token varchar NULL,
	CONSTRAINT users_email_key UNIQUE (email),

The mandatory fields include id, password, email, and created_at. The reset token can be left empty. Your migration content file should resemble the following:

- id: 1
  password: "$2b$12$gf4o2FShIahg/GY6YkK2wOcs8w4.lu444wP6BL3FyjX0GsxnEV6ZW"
  created_at: "2023-11-12T12:34:56.789"
- id: 2
  pid: 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222
  reset_token: "SJndjh2389hNJKnJI90U32NKJ"
  password: "$2b$12$gf4o2FShIahg/GY6YkK2wOcs8w4.lu444wP6BL3FyjX0GsxnEV6ZW"
  created_at: "2023-11-12T12:34:56.789"

Connect the seed

Integrate your seed into the app's Hook implementations by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to your app's Hook implementations.
  2. Add the seed within the seed function implementation. Here's an example in Rust:
impl Hooks for App {
    // Other implementations...

    async fn seed(ctx: &AppContext, base: &Path) -> Result<()> {
        db::seed::<users::ActiveModel>(&ctx.db, &base.join("users.yaml").display().to_string()).await?;

This implementation ensures that the seed is executed when the seed function is called. Adjust the specifics based on your application's structure and requirements.

Managing Seed via CLI

  • Reset the Database
    Clear all existing data before importing seed files. This is useful when you want to start with a fresh database state, ensuring no old data remains.
  • Dump Database Tables to Files
    Export the contents of your database tables to files. This feature allows you to back up the current state of your database or prepare data for reuse across environments.

To access the seed commands, use the following CLI structure:

Seed your database with initial data or dump tables to files

Usage: demo_app-cli db seed [OPTIONS]

  -r, --reset                      Clears all data in the database before seeding
  -d, --dump                       Dumps all database tables to files
      --dump-tables <DUMP_TABLES>  Specifies specific tables to dump
      --from <FROM>                Specifies the folder containing seed files (defaults to 'src/fixtures') [default: src/fixtures]
  -e, --environment <ENVIRONMENT>  Specify the environment [default: development]
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Using a Test

  1. Enable the testing feature (testing)

  2. In your test section, follow the example below:

use loco_rs::testing::prelude::*;

async fn handle_create_with_password_with_duplicate() {

    let boot = boot_test::<App, Migrator>().await;


Loco enables you to work with more than one database and share instances across your application.

Extra DB

To set up an additional database, begin with database connections and configuration. The recommended approach is to navigate to your configuration file and add the following under settings:

    uri: postgres://loco:loco@localhost:5432/loco_app
    enable_logging: false
    connect_timeout: 500
    idle_timeout: 500
    min_connections: 1
    max_connections: 1
    auto_migrate: true
    dangerously_truncate: false
    dangerously_recreate: false

Load this initializer into initializers hook like this example

async fn initializers(ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<Vec<Box<dyn Initializer>>> {
        let  initializers: Vec<Box<dyn Initializer>> = vec![


Now, you can use the secondary database in your controller:

use sea_orm::DatabaseConnection;
use axum::{response::IntoResponse, Extension};

pub async fn list(
    State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
    Extension(secondary_db): Extension<DatabaseConnection>,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse> {
  let res = Entity::find().all(&secondary_db).await;

Multi-DB (multi-tenant)

To connect more than two different databases, the database configuration should look like this:

      uri: postgres://loco:loco@localhost:5432/loco_app
      enable_logging: false      
      connect_timeout: 500      
      idle_timeout: 500      
      min_connections: 1      
      max_connections: 1      
      auto_migrate: true      
      dangerously_truncate: false      
      dangerously_recreate: false
      uri: postgres://loco:loco@localhost:5432/loco_app
      enable_logging: false      
      connect_timeout: 500      
      idle_timeout: 500      
      min_connections: 1      
      max_connections: 1      
      auto_migrate: true      
      dangerously_truncate: false      
      dangerously_recreate: false

Next load this initializer into initializers hook like this example

async fn initializers(ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<Vec<Box<dyn Initializer>>> {
        let  initializers: Vec<Box<dyn Initializer>> = vec![


Now, you can use the multiple databases in your controller:

use sea_orm::DatabaseConnection;
use axum::{response::IntoResponse, Extension};
use loco_rs::db::MultiDb;

pub async fn list(
    State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
    Extension(multi_db): Extension<MultiDb>,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse> {
  let third_db = multi_db.get("third_db")?;
  let res = Entity::find().all(third_db).await;


If you used the generator to crate a model migration, you should also have an auto generated model test in tests/models/ (remember we generated a model named post?)

A typical test contains everything you need to set up test data, boot the app, and reset the database automatically before the testing code runs. It looks like this:

use loco_rs::testing::prelude::*;

async fn can_find_by_pid() {

    let boot = boot_test::<App, Migrator>().await;

    let existing_user =
        Model::find_by_pid(&boot.app_context.db, "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111").await;
    let non_existing_user_results =
        Model::find_by_email(&boot.app_context.db, "23232323-2323-2323-2323-232323232323").await;


To simplify the testing process, Loco provides helpful functions that make writing tests more convenient. Ensure you enable the testing feature in your Cargo.toml:

loco-rs = { version = "*",  features = ["testing"] }

Database cleanup

In some cases, you may want to run tests with a clean dataset, ensuring that each test is independent of others and not affected by previous data. To enable this feature, modify the dangerously_truncate option to true in the config/test.yaml file under the database section. This setting ensures that Loco truncates all data before each test that implements the boot app.

⚠️ Caution: Be cautious when using this feature to avoid unintentional data loss, especially in a production environment.

  • When doing it recommended to run all the relevant task in with serial crate.
  • To decide which tables you want to truncate, add the entity model to the App hook:
pub struct App;
impl Hooks for App {
    async fn truncate(ctx: &AppContext) -> Result<()> {
        // truncate_table(&ctx.db, users::Entity).await?;



use loco_rs::testing::prelude::*;

async fn is_user_exists() {

    let boot = boot_test::<App, Migrator>().await;


This documentation provides an in-depth guide on leveraging Loco's testing helpers, covering database cleanup, data cleanup for snapshot testing, and seeding data for tests.

Snapshot test data cleanup

Snapshot testing often involves comparing data structures with dynamic fields such as created_date, id, pid, etc. To ensure consistent snapshots, Loco defines a list of constant data with regex replacements. These replacements can replace dynamic data with placeholders.

Example using insta for snapshots.

in the following example you can use cleanup_user_model which clean all user model data.

use loco_rs::testing::prelude::*;

async fn can_create_user() {
    request::<App, Migrator, _, _>(|request, _ctx| async move {
        // create user test
            filters => cleanup_user_model()
        }, {

You can also use cleanup constants directly, starting with CLEANUP_.