
Error levels and options

As a reminder, error levels and their logging can be controlled in your development.yaml:


# Application logging configuration
  # Enable or disable logging.
  enable: true
  # Enable pretty backtrace (sets RUST_BACKTRACE=1)
  pretty_backtrace: true
  # Log level, options: trace, debug, info, warn or error.
  level: debug
  # Define the logging format. options: compact, pretty or json
  format: compact
  # By default the logger has filtering only logs that came from your code or logs that came from `loco` framework. to see all third party libraries
  # Uncomment the line below to override to see all third party libraries you can enable this config and override the logger filters.
  # override_filter: trace

The most important knobs here are:

  • level - your standard logging levels. Typically debug or trace in development. In production choose what you are used to.
  • pretty_backtrace - provides clear, concise path to the line of code causing the error. use true in development and turn off in production. In cases where you are debugging things in production and need some extra hand, you can turn it on and then off when you're done.

Controller logging

In server.middlewares you will find:

    # ...
    # Generating a unique request ID and enhancing logging with additional information such as the start and completion of request processing, latency, status code, and other request details.
      # Enable/Disable the middleware.
      enable: true

You should enable it to get detailed request errors and a useful request-id that can help collate multiple request-scoped errors.


You have the option of logging live SQL queries, in your database section:

  # When enabled, the sql query will be logged.
  enable_logging: false

Operating around errors

You'll be mostly looking at your terminal for errors while developing your app, it can look something like this:

2024-02-xxx DEBUG http-request: tower_http::trace::on_request: started processing request http.method=GET http.uri=/notes http.version=HTTP/1.1 http.user_agent=curl/8.1.2 environment=development request_id=8622e624-9bda-49ce-9730-876f2a8a9a46
2024-02-xxx11T12:19:25.295954Z ERROR http-request: loco_rs::controller: controller_error error.msg=invalid type: string "foo", expected a sequence error.details=JSON(Error("invalid type: string \"foo\", expected a sequence", line: 0, column: 0)) error.chain="" http.method=GET http.uri=/notes http.version=HTTP/1.1 http.user_agent=curl/8.1.2 environment=development request_id=8622e624-9bda-49ce-9730-876f2a8a9a46

Usually you can expect the following from errors:

  • error.msg a to_string() version of an error, for operators.
  • error.detail a debug representation of an error, for developers.
  • An error type e.g. controller_error as the primary message tailored for searching, rather than a verbal error message.
  • Errors are logged as tracing events and spans, so that you can build any infrastructure you want to provide custom tracing subscribers. Check out the prometheus example in loco-extras.


  • An error chain was experimented with, but provides little value in practice.
  • Errors that an end user sees are a completely different thing. We strive to provide minimal internal details about an error for an end user when we know a user can't do anything about an error (e.g. "database offline error"), mostly it will be a generic "Inernal Server Error" on purpose -- for security reasons.

Producing errors

When you build controllers, you write your handlers to return Result<impl IntoResponse>. The Result here is a Loco Result, which means it also associates a Loco Error type.

If you reach out for the Loco Error type you can use any of the following as a response:

Err(Error::string("some custom message"));
Err(Error::msg(other_error)); // turns other_error to its string representation
Err(Error::Unauthorized("some message"))

// or through controller helpers:
unauthorized("some message") // create a full response object, calling Err on a created error